Wednesday, November 10, 2010


OP went surprisingly smoothly for me. Excluding the questions part. Hahaha. But whatever. For once I was rather calm TALKING in front of an audience. For FIVE minutes.

Before OP itself, I was reminding myself that it's just a performance and I don't really have to be myself to do it. This is one of the rarest times when not being yourself is beneficial ;) So I made up this character I was supposed to be while giving my speech. So she's: calm, confident, friendly, with a likeable personality. I don't know why but I was smiling away like some moron throughout the whole presentation. But it's okay, we are supposed to smile anyway :) And surprisingly I was only slightly nervous during the first minute and after that everything went fine. YAY MY ALTER EGO (Y)

I think I'm starting to freak some of you out now. Hehehe. But like I said, it as more of a performance to speech :)

It's 6AM now and I should go to sleep. Going to the beach with the girls tomorrow! And having lunch with ♥ on Thursday, it's been sooo long. My life is complete.


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