Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I shall blog before i lose my train of thoughts. Heh

I actually got tix to see Katy Perry on Monday but i thought it was on Tuesday so i missed it! Tulika and i were so ready to skip school okay! We shall just pretend it didn't happen. I never got the tix. It was all a dream (:

The first time being in a studio with Returning Ambience was kinda fun. I'm still partially deaf tho. It was super loud, i couldn't even hear myself! I thought i sucked and maybe i did. I seriously couldn't hear myself so i wouldn't know. And after that my ears stopped functioning properly. I had to go like HUH a lot of times even tho the streets were really quiet. Sooo there'll be a second time but until then i'll have to add power to my voice. I have no idea how i'm gonna do that.

And i swear they are awesome people!

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