Sunday, August 22, 2010


Sick of homework, homework, and more homework. So jealous of people I know who have like soundchecks, gigs, or whatever else everyday. Instead of homework. And being stuck in school. And wanting to get out.

Was at Baybeats today. The bands were awesomeee. The music were goood. Local bands are (Y). The only reason why they're moving nowhere is because most of us don't support them. I know of people who hate local bands, I don't even know why. If we don't support them, who would?

Tuls and I wanted to stalk An Honest Mistake. HEHE. They were awesome okay. And they were walking right infront of us ^^

Talking about local bands, have you seen R(a)'s music video yet?

LOL i find it funny somehow. But (Y). That's shaun, suraj, jian liang and aaron for you. The band is a 5-member band noww. Plus weihao (bombom). Why do i feel like i'm promoting them? Hahahahaha. And yup that's the song i was writing lyrics to.

I don't know why my dad's so bothered by who i'm chatting with early in the morning. I'm too old for that. I was talking to the most annoying person ever btw. HAHAHAHAHA. Okay i'm just as annoying. Tehehe.

Well okay me is gonna sleep now.

"I wish I could gay marry my hot fucking self"


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