Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Oh my god all 127 of you ♥

I swear i have the best people around me!

And i'm thankful for all of you.

(inserts a thousand and one hearts)

Last night i was supposed to do my eom but i got distracted due to the sudden flooding of notifications/vibrating phone/msn. LOL. Soo the first person to wish me last night was bombom. Countdown somemore hahahaha! So funny how the person i've known the shortest was the first person to wish me. Like a week? Oh wellllll. And then my phone started to flood and i'm so sorry for the late reply you guys, i had to delete old texts to make way for the new texts. Muff wished me first and then Isya and then Tulika and somemore after that. YAY HEART THEM ALL! ♥ :D

And i feel like an idiot typing "thank you" repeatedly on facebook but oh wellll for them i'll risk looking like an idiot. tehehehe

Okay gonna sleep now birthday over already.


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